Thursday, April 23, 2009

Caption This!

I'm starting a new trend. Every time you see the above title...its time for all of our fans, er blog readers, to get their thinking caps on. Try and come up with a funny caption for this picture. I'm really going out on a limb here, fact, as soon as you read the next sentence...I've officially cut it off. I'm setting myself up for some major embarrassment. Em, if this works, you owe me BIG time.

What am I thinking or thinking about? And please, have some dignity and don't say shoes. Thank you.

Friday, April 10, 2009


Hec-ti-city -The state of being hectic; in a frenzy.

Hey, if Shakespeare could do can I! Granted, Shakespeare had a slightly larger audience, and his words were added to the dictionary, and mine...aren't. You know what else should be added? Funner. Funner should have been a word, like, yesterday.

Quick note: This is going to be a long post...if at anytime you fall asleep, don't say I didn't warn you.

Ok, getting back. Mom and Dad went out today, leaving us kids to (oxymoron alert!)sit around productively. We dallied around for some time, 4 hours, to be exact. In our defense our cousins from Romania and Austria were on the same time! We spent a long time talking to them. During all this time no one noticed that the phone was flipped open. We have cellphones, since we don't use the regular land line phones anymore. Yeah, welcome to our 21st century home. Anyway, as everyone knows, when the phone's can't get any calls, because the phone doesn't ring. Turns out, Dad was really steamed when he walked through the door, because we hadn't picked up the phone...after he'd called us 5 times. Oops.

Mom and Dad tell us we need to get the house cleaned up because our Aunt and Uncle are coming from Santa Cruz and they might be staying overnight.
*simultaneously, jaws drop around the room*
Aunt Grace and Uncle Daniel are VERY neat people. When we go over to their house, every thing's spotless. It's so clean, you could eat off the floor. Seriously.

If anything had ever been pounded into our brains, it was this: The house must be maintained in pristine condition at all times lest anyone walk through the front door unannounced. What can I say? We're only human...

Aaand, the house was a wreck. A major wreck. Not one of those little wrecks where the breakfast dishes aren't washed and the beds aren't made. I mean one of those wrecks where you think you've had new flooring put in 'cuz you can't see the laminate anymore. On the bright side, we had five minutes to clean it up before Grace and Daniel walked through the door. Did you know it's possible to clean up a living room, a kitchen, and two good sized bathrooms in 7 minutes flat? Wow! "Mom," Jimmy said, "we only clean like this when we're in Red Alert mode."
Shyeah, no kidding!
You know what else I discovered? Little sisters actually know how to make their own bed. They just pretend ignorance, so that big sisters can make it for them. Yes. All you little siblings out there....we know where you live.

Moral of the Story: CLEAN YOUR HOUSE PEOPLE!!!

Oh...just to clarify. In our first post I mentioned baking something. Well, we did. It was a delicious pound cake. We took pictures of the entire process and everything. You know how we know it was delicious? We ate it. And then we remembered we hadn't taken any pictures of it. That was some goooood cake. :)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Cutest Couple Around

(Here's an "Emily post" to help the blog along ... or, more correctly, crash it altogether. :D)

My mom and dad! :)
One of those priceless "Dad" moments ... :) Have a splendid day!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

We Rule The WEB!


Ok, so, Em and I have created a new blog. (That was your **duh!** moment for the day...) We're planning on updating it frequently with little snatches and tidbits of our daily lives...exclusive stuff that you can't find on my regular blog or hers.

(Feel free to comment on those...*cough**cough*)

Tidbit 1!....We're baking something....actually we're going to... I'm not sure what, but we'll post pictures of the unknown mouth-watering delicacy after we're done. :)

Oh, and real quick....tell us what you'd like us to post about! Funny stuff(funny stuff is relative,) serious stuff,(again, relative subject...for ex: acorns are of the utmost importance to chipmunks...) or would you like us to record our deepest, innermost thoughts and desires...(YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN YOUR FACE!) we're really gonna do that. :-P Anyway, drop us a comment. :)